Ladders in the first quadrant

alternative-proofanalytic geometrycalculuseuclidean-geometryphysics

Assume we're looking at the first quadrant in the plane with the positive $x$ and $y$ axes as boundaries. Look at a point $ (a,b) $ in the interior and consider ladders passing through this point, that is, line segments with one end on the $x$-axis, the other end on the $y$-axis and passing through $ (a,b) $. The question is this: what is the minimum length of such a ladder?

The answer is $ (a^{2/3} + b^{2/3})^{3/2} $ as can be found out with some easy calculus. But I'm wondering if there is a physical interpretation for such an answer, in particular for the exponent $ 2/3 $ and its reciprocal. The answer is neat, but the ladder which minimizes this does not have symmetrical $x$ and $y$ coordinate endpoints: $ x = a + (ab^2)^{1/3} $ and $ y = b + (a^2b)^{1/3} $, which is another curious case to ask this question.

Best Answer

For a physical interpretation, the given problem is equivalent to a rigid bar with fixed lenght constrained to move keeping end points on each of the axes and also costrained to keep the contact with the point $P=(a,b)$.

In this way, indeed, we set a stationary condition for the length of the line segment passing through $P=(a,b)$ which corresponds to its minimum value.

In such situation, for the first constraint, the instantaneous center of rotation must be located at $C=(x,y)$ and, for the second constraint, the line $CP$ must be orthogonal to the rigid bar.

Indeed, according to the following sketch

enter image description here

we obtain geometrically the conditions


which lead to the given solution.


  1. The physical analogy explains also why point $P=(a,b)$ satisfies the astroid equation as noticed by mathlove in the comments.
  2. Given $x$ and $y$ by this simple geometrical construction we can find $P=(a,b)$ on the line segment such that the given lenght is the minimum among all others line segments passing through $P=(a,b)$.

Animation for the physical analogy

enter image description here

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