Kuratowski’s theorem in every case

graph theoryplanar-graphs

I have the following graph $G$ (from Chartrand and Zhang, page 235, figure 9.9) figure 9.9, a nonplanar graph

which is based on a maximal planar graph on 7 vertices with an additional edge (labeled $uv$). This graph is nonplanar because $m>3n-6$. Also, this graph does not contain either $K_{3,3}$ or $K_5$ as a subgraph (this is proved in the text). My question is why doesn't this contradict Kuratowski's theorem? Shouldn't there be a subdivision of one of these contained in $G$? But there are no vertices of degree two in this graph, so I'm not sure what subgraph I can take to build either of the critical graphs. I know the subgraph needs the edge $uv$, but that's all I know.

At this point in the text, contractions haven't been discussed, and subdivisions were just introduced, so I'm not sure how to proceed.

Best Answer

There is a subdivided $K_{3,3}$ embedded in this graph. Each of $u,z,s$ are connected to each of $v,t,y$ by distinct edges of your graph, except that $u$ and $y$ are connected the two edge path $uxy$.