Know what number of local minima and local maxima is impossible for a polynomial function to have


How to know what number of local minima and local maxima is impossible for a polynomial function to have?

For example, the graph of the polynomial $p(x)=ax^5+bx^4+cx^3+dx^2+ex+f$ is sketched. a,b,c,d,e,f are real constants and $a\not=0.$
Which of the following is not possible?

A) The graph has two local minima and two local maxima

B) The graph has one local minimum and two local maxima

C) The graph has one local minimum and one local maximum

D) The graph has no local minima or local maxima

I know that A) and D) are possible, but how can I know whether B) or C) is possible?

Best Answer

B) is impossible as the shape of such graph does not matches with the behavior at $\pm$ infinities of a odd degree polynomial.

C) is possible as you can see here

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