Kernel of a ring homomorphism is prime ideal


$\varphi: A\to B$ be a ring homomorphism.

We see that $\ker(\varphi)=\varphi^{-1}(0)$ and we know that if $(0)$ is prime ideal (equivalently $B$ is an integral domain) then $\ker(\varphi)$ is also prime ideal.

I am searching for the reverse direction. Can we say $\ker(\varphi)$ is prime then $B$ is an integral domain? I feel some contradiction, yet could not find.

Is reverse direction is correct, or can you give me a hint about it.

How can we weaken the conditions without imposing surjectivity and injectivity that double direction is satisfied with additional conditions.

Best Answer

I assume every ring considered is commutative If the kernel is a PRIME IDEAL we can only say that the image of $\varphi$ is an integral domain. This image is a subring of $B$. But a subring being an integral domain says nothing about the whole ring: it can very well ave zero divisors.

We can take the polynomial ring with real coefficients, and then quotient it be an ideal generated by any degree 3 polynomial(they always have one real root). This quotient ring $B$, is not an integral domain, and the set of real numbers will be a subring ( actually a field.)

Now define $\varphi: \mathbf{R}\to B$ sending every real number to itself. The kernel now is (0) a prime ideal, but $B$ is not an integral domain.