K-dimensional Regular Submanifold of k-dimensional manifold


The statement is: Prove any $k$-dimensional regular submanifold of a $k$-dimensional manifold is an open subset. The hint is show that any submersion is an open map.

A regular sub-manifold $S$ of $M$ is such that $\forall p \in S$, there is a chart $(U ,\phi)$, $\phi : U \rightarrow V$ such that $\phi(U \cap S) = (\mathbb{R}^{k} \times \{ 0 \}^{n-k}) \cap V$. A submersion of manifolds $f : M \rightarrow N$ is a smooth map with $D_{p}(f) : T_{p} M \rightarrow T_{f(p)}N$ surjective $\forall p \in S$.

I don't really have much intuition for either of these concepts. Assuming the hint is true. How do I show that the regular submanifold must be an open set. I am thinking that both the manifolds having dimension $k$ implies some submersion between them, and perhaps this would show that the submanifold is an open set, but I am rather confused.

Best Answer

The inclusion map is a submersion, since the derivative is an isomorphism at each point, hence a surjection. (Presumably you've proved in class or as an exercise that submersions are always open maps. In this case, you could apply the inverse function theorem directly.)