Jordan normal form for a linear transformation

jordan-normal-formlinear algebralinear-transformationspolynomialsvector-spaces

The following is a question from an old exam:

Let $P_n$ be the vector space of polynomials of degree less than or equal to $n$ with complex coefficients. Define $L:P_n \to P_n$ by $$L(p(x))=p(x+1)-2p(x)+p(x-1)$$ for all $p \in P_n$. Show that $L$ is nilpotent, and determine the Jordan normal form of $L$.

My attempt:

Showing that it is nilpotent is easy (the operator lowers the degree of the polynimal by two). Since it is nilpotent, the only eigenvalue is zero. But I don't know how to determine the Jordan normalform of L. I have looked at what happens with the basis vectors, and L obvisouly sends them lower degree polynimal, which makes L upper triangular. But, I don't know how to proceed from there.

Best Answer

As you’ve noted, $L$ reduces the degree of the polynomial by two, so its kernel consists of polynomials of degree less than two. As the only eigenvalue is $0$, for $n\ge2$ this implies that there will be two blocks in the JNF. The minimal polynomial of $L$ is $x^k$, with $k=\lfloor n/2\rfloor+1$ (verify this!). This gives you the size of the largest Jordan block.