Joint probability mass function for series of coin flips

functionsprobabilityrandom variablesstatistics

A fair coin is rolled until at least two heads and at least two tails are obtained. Let
the random variable X denote the roll in which the second head is obtained and let the
random variable Y denote the roll in which the second tail is obtained.

How do I find the joint probability mass function of X and Y?

I don't know how to start this question.

Any help is much appreciated.

Best Answer

If the first two outcome is $HH$, then we have $X=2$, the smallest value that $Y$ can take is $4$.

Similarly, if the first two outcome is $TT$, then we have $Y=2$, the smallest value that $X$ can take is $4$.

If the first two outcome is $HT$ or $TH$, then $\min(X,Y)=3$.

That is we have $\min(X,Y) \in \{2, 3\}$ and $\max(X,Y) \ge 4$.

Let $n \ge 4$.

To compute $P(X=2, Y=n)$, the first two tosses $H$, the last outcome is $T$, from the $3$rd to $(n-1)$-th outcome, there is exactly one $T$.

That is consider $$HHW\ldots WT$$

where we have $n-3$ $W$'s, we have to choose $1$ of them to be $T$. We have $\binom{n-3}{1} = n-3$. The probability to get a particular sequence is $\frac1{2^n}$, hence the corresponding probability is

$$P(X=2, Y=n) = \frac{n-3}{2^n}$$

We also have $P(X=n, Y=2) = P(X=2, Y=n)$ by symetry.

Now, let's compute $P(X=3, Y=n)$, in this case, the first two tosses is either $HT$ or $TH$, the third position must be $H$, the last position is $T$. The remaining position must be $H$.

Hence we have

$$P(X=3, Y=n)=\frac{2}{2^n}$$

We have $P(X=n, Y=3) = P(X=3, Y=n)$ by symmetry.

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