Joint distribution table for coin flips

bivariate-distributionsprobabilityprobability distributions

I am tossing a fair coin 6 times. I define $X$ to be the number of heads in first 3 tosses and $Y$ to be the number of heads in all 6 tosses. $X$ and $Y$ are random variables.

I want to create the joint and marginal distribution tables for $p(X,Y)$ and $p(X)$ and $p(Y)$. For creating the joint distribution table, I have the following (drawing from this post):

$X = B(3, 0.5)$ and $Y = B(6, 0.5)$

Then are the table columns and rows something like this $P(X = i, Y=j)$ with all the values filled in?

& i=1 & i=2 & i=3 \\ \hline
j=1& & &\\ \hline
j=2& & &\\ \hline
j=3& & &\\ \hline
j=4& & &\\ \hline
j=5& & &\\ \hline
j=6& & &\\ \hline

For example, if I have $P(X = 2, Y= 5)$, I'm interpreting the statement as probability of getting at "exactly 2 heads in the first three tosses and exactly 5 heads from the 6 tosses." So then I calculated that $P(X=2) = 0.375$ and $P(X=6) = 0.09375$. So would I multiply these two values and enter them as such:

& i=1 & i=2 & i=3 \\ \hline
j=1& & &\\ \hline
j=2& & &\\ \hline
j=3& & &\\ \hline
j=4& & &\\ \hline
j=5& & 0.375\times 0.09375 = 0.035 &\\ \hline
j=6& & &\\ \hline

I'm not sure if this the proper way to represent this and if assumptions are correct or if I'm erring in my concept.

Best Answer

First point to note is that $X$ and $Y$ can be $0$ with positive probability, so you might want to extend your table

Second point to note is that $Y \ge X$, so $P(Y < X)=0$

Third point to note is that $Y$ is not independent of $X$, and the higher $X$ is, the higher $Y$ can be. But if $Z$ is the number of heads in the last three tosses then you can say

(a) $Z \sim B(3,0.5)$,

(b) $X$ and $Z$ are independent,

(c) $Y=X+Z$ so $Z=Y-X$, and

(d) $P(X=i,Y=j) =P(X=i, Z=j-i)= P(X=i) \times P(Z=j-i)$ so for example $P(X=2,Y=5)=P(X=2)\times P(Z=3)$

So the start of your table could be

\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline & i=0 & i=1 & i=2 & i=3 \\ \hline j=0& & 0& 0&0\\ \hline j=1& & & 0&0\\ \hline j=2& & & &0\\ \hline j=3& & & &\\ \hline j=4& & & &\\ \hline j=5& & & 0.375\times 0.125 = 0.046875 &\\ \hline j=6& & & &\\ \hline \end{array}

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