Joint distribution table

probability distributions

A fair coin is tossed four times. Let X and Y be the numbers of tails obtained in the
first two tosses and the last three tosses, respectively.
$(a)$ State the distributions of X and Y .
$(b)$ Describe the joint distribution of X and Y by a clearly labelled table and use this
to find the marginal distributions of X and Y .

for a) I believe it is $X\sim B(2,0.5)$ and $Y\sim B(3,0.5)$
but I am having trouble constructing the table again. I would appreciate a lot if someone could construct it for me as I could really use an example..

Best Answer


If $B$ in your question denotes "binomial" then your answer is correct.


For convenience let $Z$ denote the number of tails obtained in the second toss.

Then $X-Z$ is the number of tails in the first toss, $Z$ is the number of tails obtained in the second toss and $Y-Z$ is the number of tails obtained in the last $2$ tosses.

This indicates that they are independent and also makes clear how they are distributed.

Now for every pair $\left(i,j\right)$ with $i\in\left\{ 0,1,2\right\} $ and $j\in\left\{ 0,1,2,3\right\} $ find $P\left(X=i,Y=j\right)$ on base of:

$$\begin{aligned}P\left(X=i,Y=j\right) & =\sum_{k=0}^{1}P\left(X=i,Z=k,Y=j\right)\\ & =\sum_{k=0}^{1}P\left(X-Z=i-k,Z=k,Y-Z=j-k\right)\\ & =\sum_{k=0}^{1}P\left(X-Z=i-k\right)P\left(Z=k\right)P\left(Y-Z=j-k\right)\\ & =\frac{1}{2}\sum_{k=0}^{1}P\left(X-Z=i-k\right)P\left(Y-Z=j-k\right) \end{aligned} $$ The marginals can be calculated by means of:

  • $P(X=i)=\sum_{j=0}^3P(X=i,Y=j)$ for $i=0,1,2$
  • $P(Y=j)=\sum_{i=0}^2P(X=i,Y=j)$ for $j=0,1,2,3$

Actually the marginals are calculated in (a) already, so check them.

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