It$\hat{o}$’s stochastic integral

brownian motionstochastic-processes

I am currently taking a course on Stochastic Analysis, and in the chapter entitled It$\hat{o}$'s Calculus, I am introduced to this integral: $$ \int^{t}_{0}Y_s\,dW_s$$ as a stochastic process, where $Y_s$ is a simple process. I have understood up to now what a Brownian Motion is, what a Martingale, Filtration, probability space, etc… is. But this, I am really stumped on. The notion of $dW_s$ is confusing me, and why this integral is so important in the grand scheme of things? What is the significance of this integral, and what exactly is $Y_s$? I feel that I can't move on with this course until I understand the very essentials of what Ito calculus is and why we are concerned with it. A answers that shed some light on this topic would be vastly appreciated.

Best Answer

You can think of the Itô integral much like the Riemann-Stieltjes integral: you are integrating with respect to a Wiener process. In general, you need $Y$ to be a locally square-integrable process which is adapted to the filtration generated by $W$. It seems you know what $W$ is, but for the sake of completeness: $W$ is usually a Brownian motion, but in general it can be a semimartingale. Itô integrals are important for giving a rigorous meaning to stochastic differential equations, which are extremely useful for modeling all kinds of things. For example, SDE are incredibly important in mathematical finance.

In defining the Itô integral, one generally starts by defining it for simple processes (much like defining the Lebesgue integral for simple functions) and then shows that you can approximate other processes by limits of these simple processes.

Edit: A simple process is like a simple function, it is of the form $$X_t = \sum_j x_j \chi_{E_j}(t),$$ where $E_j$ is a measurable set and $\chi_E$ denotes the characteristic function of the set $E$. For example, one might take $E_j = [t_{j-1},t_j)$. I generally think of a simple functions and simple processes as those with finite image.

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