Isotropy of ternary quadratic forms over global fields

number theoryquadratic-forms

Let $k$ be a global field and $q$ a ternary quadratic form over $k$.

Is it true that $q_v$ is isotropic for all but finitely many places $v$ of $k$?

I'm looking for a confirmation of this, and if possible a reference.

I know that this is true for $k = \mathbb Q$, because a ternary quadratic form is isotropic over $\mathbb Q_p$ iff its Hasse invariant equals the Hilbert symbol $(-1, -d)_p$, where $d$ is the discriminant of $q$.

Edit: I have a proof now, except when $char(k) = 2$.

Best Answer

From the comments: For $k$ of characteristic not $2$, one can bring $q$ in the form $ax^2+by^2+cz^2$. When $v(2) = 0$, which is the case for almost all $v$, by Hensel's lemma any nonzero isotropic vector (automatically nonsingular) mod a prime element $\pi_v$ of the valuation ring $\mathcal O_{k_v}$ lifts to $k_v$.

For almost all $v$ one has $a, b, c \in O_{k_v}^\times$. Thus it suffices to show that a nondegenerate quadratic form $ax^2+by^2+cz^2$ over a finite field $F$ (of characteristic $\neq 2$) is isotropic, i.e. that $ax^2+by^2$ represents $-c$. Let $|F| = N$, so that $|F^2| = \frac{N+1}2$. The sets $aF^2$ and $-c-bF^2$ intersect, and we are done.

I don't know about $char(k) = 2$.

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