Isogenous Elliptic Curves and Reduction Type

algebraic-geometryelliptic-curvesnumber theory

I am looking for a full proof (or a reference containing a detailed proof) of the following fact:

Why do $\mathbb Q$-isogenous elliptic curves over $\mathbb Q$ have the same primes of a) split multiplicative reduction b) nonsplit multiplicative reduction, and c) additive reduction? I need this to be true to conclude that their $L$-functions match. The answer here provided no details, which are what I am after.

Best Answer

The local factor of the $L$-function is defined as it is because of the Tate module: it is defined to be $$\det(1-p^{-s}\mathrm{Frob}_p | V_\ell^{I_p})^{-1},$$ where $V_\ell(E)^{I_p}$ is the subspace of the Galois representation $V_\ell(E)$ on which the inertia group $I_p$ acts trivially (so it's the whole of $V_\ell(E)$ if $E$ has good reduction at $p$), viewed as a representation of $G_{\mathbb Q_p}/I_p\cong G_{\mathbb F_p}$.

This definition explains the slightly more ad hoc definition usually given for primes of bad reduction! It has the advantage of being completely uniform.

Since $V_\ell(E)^{I_p}\cong V_\ell(E')^{I_p}$ is isogeny invariant, so is the local factor.

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