Is $U = V$ in the SVD of symmetric matrices

linear algebramatrices

Consider the SVD of matrix $A$:

$$A = U \Sigma V^\top$$

If $A$ is a symmetric, real matrix, is there a guarantee that $U = V$?

There is a similar question here that also posits $A$ is positive semi-definite. But I'm wondering whether $U$ would be equal to $V$ if $A$ is symmetric?

Best Answer

No: if $\Sigma$ is diagonal with non-negative entries, then $U \Sigma U^T$ will necessarily be positive semidefinite. Indeed, we note that for any column vector $x$, we have $$ x^\top(U\Sigma U^\top)x = (U^\top x)^\top \Sigma (U^\top x) \geq 0. $$

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