Is triangle congruence considered as theorems or postulates


Is triangle congruence like $SSS$, $SAS$, $ASA$ and $AAS$ considered as theorems or postulates?
I've seen some people calling it as theorems and some other people calling it as postulates. What I know about theorems and postulates is that theorems needs to be proven and postulates are like basic assumptions taken to be true. They're 2 different things.

And I know Euclid only gave 5 postulates, so if this is considered as postulate then that would make it 6. (I'm not sure)

Also if this is considered as theorems, that means that it must be proven to be true. Does that mean that I can find proofs for this? (If so, please let me know where I can find it)

Best Answer

Going by class 8 ncert book, SAS congruence rule is considered as an axiom while SSS, ASA and AAS are theorems which are proved by contradiction as well as SAS. You can go through the pdf here and read the proofs too

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