Is this proof that $\sqrt{6}$ is irrational valid


I was doing some grading and came across the following proof that a student gave for $\sqrt 6$ being irrational:

Assume $\sqrt{6} \in \mathbb Q$. Then $\sqrt{6} = \frac{a}{b}$ for some $a,b \in \mathbb N$. Now, since $\sqrt{6} = \sqrt{3}\cdot\sqrt{2}$ and $\sqrt{2} \notin \mathbb{Q}$, we have that $\sqrt{6} \in \mathbb{Q} \wedge \sqrt{6} \notin \mathbb{Q}$ which is a contraiction. Therefore, $\sqrt 6 \notin \mathbb Q$.

I think this argument is wrong because if we try the same thing for $64$ as an example, we find that

$$\sqrt{64} = \sqrt 2 \cdot \sqrt 32$$
which by the same argument shows that $\sqrt {64}$ is irrational but it obviously isn't.

I suppose I've just never seen an argument like this, and though the example pretty clearly shows it's wrong, I'm wondering if there's anything to it. Maybe a small tweak to make it work? Obviously it's not similar to the standard method but I think it's creative and interesting nonetheless.

Best Answer

Your student seems to be assuming the following: if a number $n$ can be written as a product in which at least one factor is irrational, then the number $n$ is irrational. Of course, this is not true, and you have found a very instructive counterexample.

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