Is this proof of the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem correct


Let $(X,d)$ be a metric space and $A \subset X$ a subset.

Definition 1:
We call $A$ coverage compact, if each open cover of $A$ has a finite subcover.

Definition 2:
We call $A$ sequentially compact, if every sequence in $A$ has a convergent subsequence.

$A$ is coverage compact iff $A$ is sequentially compact.

My Proof of "$\implies$":
Let $A$ be coverage compact and $(U_i)_{i \in I} \subset X$ a open cover of $A$ and $(x_k)_{k \in \mathbb{N}} \subset A$ a sequence.
Then there exists a finite subset $K \subset I$ so that $A \subset \bigcup_{i \in K} U_i := \hat{U}$.

If there would exist a subsequence of $x_k$ converging to $x^* \in A$, in each of the finitely many $U_i$ for $i \in K$ there could only be finitely many members of $x_k$ since otherwise there would be a converging subsequence.
But this is a contradiction to the fact that $x_k$ has infinitely many members.

Best Answer

No, it is not correct:

  1. You use the symbol $k$ for two different things.
  2. Why is it that $U_k$ cannot have infinitely many $x_k$'s?
  3. What are the $U_k$'s?
  4. The set $\{x_k\,|\,k\in\mathbb N\}$ may well be finite, in spite of the fact that there are infinitely many $k$'s.
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