Is this proof of $\tan \frac{x}{2} = \frac{1-\cos x}{\sin x}$ incomplete


So, for any angle $\alpha$ :
$$\cos(2\alpha) = \cos^2\alpha – \sin^2\alpha = \dfrac{\cos^2\alpha-\sin^2\alpha}{\cos^2\alpha+\sin^2\alpha} = \dfrac{\dfrac{\cos^2\alpha-\sin^2\alpha}{\cos^2\alpha}}{\dfrac{\cos^2\alpha+\sin^2\alpha}{\cos^2\alpha}}= \dfrac{1-\tan^2\alpha}{1+\tan^2\alpha}$$
Now, $\cos\alpha = \cos\Big(2\cdot\dfrac{\alpha}{2}\Big) = \dfrac{1-\tan^2\dfrac{\alpha}{2}}{1+\tan^2\dfrac{\alpha}{2}}$

Now, using the componendo and dividendo rule, we get :
$$\dfrac{\cos\alpha+1}{\cos\alpha-1} = \dfrac{2}{-2\tan^2\dfrac{\alpha}{2}} = \dfrac{-1}{\tan^2\dfrac{\alpha}{2}} \implies \tan^2\dfrac{\alpha}{2} = \dfrac{1-\cos\alpha}{1+\cos\alpha}$$
$$\implies \tan^2\dfrac{\alpha}{2} = \dfrac{(1-\cos\alpha)(1-\cos\alpha)}{(1+\cos\alpha)(1-\cos\alpha)} = \Big(\dfrac{1-\cos\alpha}{\sin\alpha}\Big)^2$$
$$\implies \Bigg|\tan\Big(\dfrac{\alpha}{2}\Big)\Bigg| = \Bigg|\dfrac{1-\cos\alpha}{\sin\alpha}\Bigg|$$
Now, only if $\mathrm{sign}\Big(\tan\dfrac{\alpha}{2}\Big) = \mathrm{sign}\Big(\dfrac{1-\cos\alpha}{\sin\alpha}\Big)$ is true, we can say that $\tan\dfrac{\alpha}{2} = \dfrac{1-\cos\alpha}{\sin\alpha}$

So, I think that without proving that, the proof will be incomplete but my Math textbook doesn't prove it.

So, is it necessary to prove it? If not, why not?


Best Answer

Your comment is correct. You can only get the final equality by proving that $\tan\left(\frac{\alpha}{2}\right)$ and $\frac{1-\cos \alpha}{\sin\alpha}$ have the same sign.

But this is not complicated to prove. $\tan\left(\frac{\alpha}{2}\right)$ is positive if and only if $\frac{\alpha}{2} \in (k\pi, k\pi +\frac{\pi}{2})$. Like $\sin \alpha$ while $1- \cos \alpha$ is always non negative.