Is this predicate logic formula a tautology


Is the following predicate logic formula a tautology

So I'm pretty lost in this problem, I know how to read this predicate and everything but how do I check if it is a tautology?

What I thought of doing was writing down possible tables of truth values for $\alpha(x,y)$

\style{font-family:inherit}{\text{$\alpha$}} & \style{font-family:inherit}{\text{x}}
& \style{font-family:inherit}{\text{y}}\\\
x & \top & \perp\\\
y & \perp & \top

In this example that I wrote down it would be that the predicate equation is not a tautology but this feels pretty incorrect.

Best Answer

No, the formula is not valid.

And, in general, we cannot test a formula of predicate logic with truth-table.

For a counter-example, consider the interpretation with domain $\mathbb N$ and interpret formula $\alpha$ with the binary relation $\lt$, i.e.

$\mathbb N \vDash \alpha(x,y) [x/n,y/m] \text { iff } n < m$.

Obviously, it is not true that $n < m \lor m < n$, for every $n,m$.

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