Is this method to check the continuity of multivariable functions correct


$$f(x,y) =\begin{cases} \frac{\cos y\sin x}{x} & x\neq 0 \\
\cos y & x=0 .

Is $f$ continuous at $(0,0)$?

Method 1
$f(0,0) = 1.$
Also, $\lim_{(x,y)\to(0,0)} f({x,y})=1 = f(0,0).$ (Easy to calculate.)
Therefore, $f$ is continuous at $(0,0)$.

The problem I find with this method is that it didn't verify whether the limit exists or not at $(0,0)$. I did check $y=mx$ path to the point $(0,0)$, and it did give $1$ as the value of the limit. But obviously, I cannot verify all the existing paths to $(0,0)$, so the only way to check the existence of the limit is (I think) to use the epsilon-delta definition of limit. But if I have to use the epsilon-delta definition of limit to check the existence of the given limit, then I could very well use the epsilon-delta definition of continuity to check whether the given function is continuous at $(0,0)$. Then there is no need to find the limit or check its existence. If that's the case, then isn't Method 1 incomplete and in a way redundant as well?

Best Answer


The idea is to start from the $\epsilon-\delta$ definition of continuity. So you write $$f(x+\delta_1,y+\delta_2)-f(x,y)=[f(x+\delta_1,y+\delta_2)-f(x,y+\delta_2)]+[f(x,y+\delta_2)-f(x,y)]$$

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