Is this condition correct for right hand thumb rule

cross productvectors

If the three vectors A,B and C satisfy the relation A⋅B=0 and A⋅C=0, then vector A is parallel to :

correct answer is : B x C
Below , I have made is the diagram for the above Q. There are two possible condition I see for N vector here.

  1. When both C and B vector are present at Y axis and are perpendicular to A vector which is at X axis.

  2. One of the vectors either C or B(In my diagram , I chose B) is present at Z axis.

Form : 1) A.B=0 , A.C=0. Conditions are met. Now , to check if B x C is parallel to A vector. I get direction for B x C perpendicular to the plane using right hand thumb rule . Therefore , it is not parallel to A which is a wrong answer.

  1. Here , A.B=0 , A.C=0 & also , B.C=0. When I use right hand thumb rule here , I get B x C parallel to vector A.

My Q here is that :

  1. Can we say this is a condition for right hand thumb rule where angle between two vectors is less than 180. That’s why my 1st case isn’t working.

enter image description here

Edit: Right hand thumb rule :

enter image description here

Best Answer

Try to use the rule. It says to curl the fingers around the smaller angle between the vectors. The two angles here are the same, $180^\circ$. So, you can curl your fingers in two directions both of which are valid, and give different directions. With an angle less than $180^\circ$, this ambiguity wouldn't have arisen.

Why does this happen? Because the magnitude of the product $bc\sin\theta$ becomes $0$ when $\theta=180^\circ$ implying overall $\mathbf{b}\times\mathbf{c}=\mathbf{0}$ and the null vector has an arbitrary direction, hence the rule giving you two directions.

And as for the problem, we consider $\mathbf{0}$ to be parallel, perpendicular or antiparallel to every vector because it has an arbitrary direction.

Hope this was helpful. Ask anything if not clear :)