Is there any degree 6 irreducible polynomial in $\Bbb Q[x]$ whose Galois group is $A_4$


I know that $A_4$ is a transitive subgroup of $S_6$, so transitivity is not critical in this problem.

I tried to find irreducible polynomials of form $X^6-a(a \in \mathbb{Q})$, but their Galois groups seems to be $D_6$ when the order is $12$.

Please let me know if there is a simple example. I think there is no degree $6$ irreducible polnomial $f(x) \in \mathbb{Q}[x]$ whose Galois group is $A_4$.

Best Answer

There are $A_4$-Galois extensions of $\Bbb Q$. Let $L$ be one of them. The group $A_4$ has a subgroup $H$ of order $2$. Let $K=L^H$ be its fixed field. The subgroup $H$ is not normal in $A_4$; therefore the Galois closure of $K$ is $L$. As we are in characteristic zero, then $K=\Bbb Q(a)$ for some $a$. The minimal polynomial of $a$ over $\Bbb Q$ has degree six, and its Galois group is $A_4$.

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