Is there any closed curve whose area is proportional to its perimeter


The question is in the title: Is there any closed curve whose area is proportional to its perimeter?

If not, why is it so? Can it be proved?

I tried all the simple shapes I know, but couldn't find a solution.

Best Answer

You cannot get more proportional than equality. There is a family of rectangles whose perimeters are equal to their areas:

  • They have sides for the form $x + \sqrt{x^2-4x}$ and $x - \sqrt{x^2-4x}$ with $x \ge 4$

  • and so perimeters and areas each equal to $4x$.

Nice examples from this family are

  • $x = 4$ gives $4\times4 = 16$
  • $x = 4.5$ gives $6\times3 = 18$
  • $x = 6.25$ gives $10\times2.5 = 25$
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