Is there another way to proof that there can’t be a bijection between reals and natural not using Cantor diagonal


Is there another way to proof that there can't be a bijection between reals and natural not using Cantor diagonal?

I was wondering about diagonal arguments in general and paradoxes that don't use diagonal arguments. Then I was puzzled because I couldn't think another way to show that the cardinality of the reals isn't the same as the cardinality of naturals.

Best Answer

One way is through the use of measure theory. The measure of the unit interval $[0,1]$ is $1$, while the measure of any countable subset of the reals is $0$. This is enough to demonstrate that $[0,1]$ is uncountable, for if it were countable then its outer measure would have to be $0$.

The outer measure of a general subset $A \subset \mathbb R$ is defined as

$$m^*(A) = \inf \Big\{ \sum_i \ell(I_i) : A \subset \bigcup_i I_i\Big\}$$

where $(I_i)_i$ is any countable collection of intervals, $I_i = [a_i, b_i]$ for some reals $a_i < b_i$ for each $i$, and $\ell(I)$ is the length of the interval, defined as $\ell(a,b) = b - a$. What this definition means is: cover the set $A$ by (at most countably many) intervals, however you may like, and sum the lengths of those intervals. The (limiting) smallest possible total length is what the outer measure of $A$ is.

See here for a proof that a countable set has outer measure zero, and see here for a proof that the unit interval $[0,1]$ has outer measure $1$.

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