Is there an open bijective map from $\mathbb{R}$ to $\mathbb{R}$ that is not continuous


I came upon this when trying to solve a similar problem first: Open maps which are not continuous(1), which is essentially my problem without requiring the map to be bijective.

To my knowledge, there are a bunch constructions satisfying the weaker constraints: Conway base 13 function(, a cool one using Riemann Series Theorem (see (1)), and basically all strongly Darboux functions.

The problem is that all these constructions are not bijective, and I'm looking for a bijective example. Immediately this disqualifies all strongly Darboux functions, as they are not bijective on any open set, and this is my progress so far.

Best Answer

The answer to the question in the title is negative.

We know that if a function $f:I \to \Bbb{R}$ is continuous and injective then its inverse $f^{-1}:f(I) \to I$ is also continuous.

Here $I$ denotes an interval .

Now since $f$ is open and a bijection we have that $f^{-1}$ is a continuous function,so $(f^{-1})^{-1}$ is also continuous.