Is there an accepted term for the opposite of mode in statistics

descriptive statisticsstatisticsterminology

In descriptive statistics, there are terms for all sorts of things. The mean, median, and mode for a set of data are each three very frequently thrown around examples.

The mode in particular is defined as the result that has occurred the most frequently.

Is there a name for the opposite of this? Is there a name for the result which has occurred the least frequently (but still a nonzero number of times)?

If I were to guess at a name or come up with one myself, perhaps a name like "anti-mode" might be appropriate, but I was wondering if there was an already accepted name.

Best Answer

From Communication Research Statistics by John C. Reinard:

Some have developed the notion of an anti-mode (Vogt, 2005, p. 11) to describe the least frequent score, but thankfully, in communication studies this term has not caught on.

I found indeed a number of sources where this terminology is used, including the Wikipedia page on multimodal distributions. However, as Reinard seems to be clearly saying, not everyone is fond of this terminology, so it wouldn't qualify as broadly accepted. Reinard doesn't suggest another word though, so I would still go for this one if I really needed a word.

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