Is there a word for “nodes that can reach every other node and itself again”

definitiongraph theorygraph-connectivityterminology

This graph is a sub-graph of a larger one.
But this sub-graph contains all nodes with a special characteristic.

You can start at any point of the graph. You can reach every other node from there AND get back to where you startet.

enter image description here

Is there a word for such a graph or for the nodes in that graph?

Best Answer

There's no special word for nodes with this property, because if any node $x$ has this property, then all nodes do. Every node $y$ can reach $x$, so $y$ can reach any node in the graph (by first going through $x$) and return to $y$ (because $x$ can reach $y$).

A graph in which all nodes have this property is called strongly connected.

A maximal subgraph in which all nodes can reach each other is called a strongly connected component of the original graph. Within that subgraph, all nodes will have this property: from any node in the subgraph, you can reach every other node in the subgraph and come back.