Is there a way to solve the equation $\sin x = x\ln x$ analytically

logarithmsnumerical methodsrootstrigonometry

Is there a way to solve the equation $\sin x = x\ln x$ numerically or analytically?

The only way I have been able to solve this is using a graphic calculator like Desmos, but is there another way to solve this?

Best Answer

I think the simplest numerical solution for such problems is Newton's method

You would look at the function


and now try to find the roots. One root is obvious $x=0$.

Newton's method works as follows. You need a start value $x_0$, which you guess, and then start a recursion.


To guess a starting point one could calculate some values of the function. Looking for a change in the sign.

For example $f(1)\approx 0.84$ and $f(2)\approx -0.47$

The intermediate value theorem guarantees a root in the intervall $(1,2)$, so one could take $x_0=1.5$ as the starting point.


$x_1=1.5-\frac{\sin(1.5)-1.5\cdot\ln(1.5)}{\cos(1.5)-\ln(1.5)-1}\approx 1.7917$

$x_2\approx 1.7533$

$x_3\approx 1.7527$

$x_4\approx 1.7527$

It converges rather quickly.

With simple analytical arguments you can verify that these are the only two solutions. (There could be more of course)

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