Euclidean Geometry – How to Construct a Circle Through Two Points and a Line Using Ruler and Compass


Given two points and a line in the plane, is it possible to construct a circle tangent to the line which passes through the two points using ruler and compass?

For those who don't know, these are the rules of ruler and compass constructions:

you start with a set of initial objects (points, lines, etc.),

at every step you can do one of the following:

  1. Construct a line or segment between two points in the set
  2. Construct a circle with a segment within the set being its radius
  3. Intersect two curves within the set

Each of these moves add the outcoming curve/point to the set.

Best Answer

Here it goes,

It must be a necessary condition that two given points lie on Same side of given line

Now, Let the two given points be $P$ and $Q$, let the given line be $L$

Case-1-When segment $PQ$ is not parallel to line $L$

Join points $P$ and $Q$ and extend it to cut the line $L$ at point $S$ Measure distance $PS$ using compass,Here in my case,$P$ is nearer to point $S$ than $Q$,

Now mark a point on extended line on Other side Of segment $PS$ with a distance equal to that of $PS$,let this new point be $R$,

Draw perpendicular Bisector of Segment $RQ$,Mark point $G$ where it intersects the segment $RQ$

Taking $G$ as centre and $GR$ as radius,Draw a circle $A$

Draw a perpendicular $X$ Passing through point $S$,Mark point $F$ where it intersects the circle $A$

Measure Length $SF$ using compass or ruler,Mark Point $Z$ on given line $L$ along initial side of $S$ with length $SF$ measured

The Point $Z$ is the point of tangency Of required Circle, Now Draw Any perpendicular Bisectors of segments out of Segment $PQ$,Segment $QZ$ and Segment $PZ$

Mark the intersection of these any two perpendicular Bisectors as point $K$,it is the Centre of Required Circle

Finally draw a circle Using Found centre and three Points, I will be uploading a Geogebra Image soon ,I don't have enough Time to type..

enter image description here

Line in orange color is original line given,$PQZ$ is the required Circle,$Q$ and $P$ are given points

Case-2- When $PQ$ is parallel to line $L$, Draw Perpendicular bisector line $J$ of segment $PQ$ ,Mark it's intersection point with Line $L$ as $O$, this point $O$ is point of tangency, Repeat last steps of case -1 to find required Circle

Hope this helps


I have added an image for More Understanding, Now let's understand what we have done geometrically in first case

The basic property used is the secant tangent theoram of circle,see here

Now as the basic idea is clear,we needed to find the geometric mean of $SP$ and $SQ$ equivalent to geometric mean of $SR$ and $SQ$ which is precisely the length of $SZ$

Now, To find geometric mean, We have a nice property in right angle triangle,see here

In order to use this,We needed to create a right angled triangle,and we know that in a circle, Any traingle with one point on Circle and base as Diameter make One nice right triangle,So we made circle with diameter $RQ$ ,which we created using point $G$ or midpoint as centre,

Later we dropped a perpendicular from $S$ to new circle to use Geometric mean theoram ,as mentioned ,We found the geometric mean to be precisely the length of $SF$ ,hence we marked point $Z$ on line $L$ such that $SF=SZ$

Hence finding the point of tangency,Other than this, It is now simple to draw a circle knowing $3$ Points on it