Is there a such thing as a free group generated by a free group


Is there a such thing as a free group generated by a free group?

Let $F(A)$ be a free group generated by the elements of a set $A$. If we momentarily consider $F(A)$ to be simply a set of words on elements of $A$, is there a such thing as $F(F(A))$, i.e., the free group generated by the elements of $F(A)$?

My guess is that this free group would still just be $F(A)$?

Since it will be all possible words on elements of $F(A)$, which are also words on $A$, therefore the elements of $F(F(A))$ will simply be products of words on $A$, but those would already be in $F(A)$ by definition of a free group, so they would be the same.

Best Answer

Let $A=\{a\}$. So $F(A) \simeq \mathbb{Z}$. Then $F(F(A))=F(\mathbb{Z})$ which is definitely not $\mathbb{Z}$. It is a free group on a countable number of generators.

The problem is when you do the second free product you get words like

$(a \cdots a)^\pm(a \cdots a)^\pm \cdots $. The parentheses cannot be erased. Each term in parentheses is interpreted as a single letter. When applying free group the second time (a free and a forget really), you have lost the fact that they were originally made up of $a$'s from $A$.