Is there a subsystem of ZFC which constrains the Universe to $L$


The Axiom of Constructibility states that $V$, the Universe of all sets, is equal to $L$, the Constructible Universe. When added to $ZFC$ does not place a constraint on what sets exist, instead what it says is that if $ZFC$ says that a particular set exists, then it occurs somewhere in the constructible hierarchy.

But my question is, is there a set theory weaker than $ZFC$ which (intuitively) only posits the existence of a set if it can be proven to exist in $L$? I’m not sure how to formulate such a set theory. Maybe restricting the comprehension axiom to subsets of a set $X$ which are elements of $Def(X)$?

Best Answer

As discussed in the comments, the notion of a set which a theory proves exists is inherently problematic, and it's difficult to formulate a version of the requirement "All sets which we can prove exist, can be proved to be in $L$" which doesn't fail for silly reasons.

It seems to me, though, that the following is probably the strongest theory which will match the intuitions behind such a requirement:

  • First, we take the usual axioms of ZFC and relativize them to $L$. So, for example, Powerset becomes "For every constructible $x$ there is a constructible $y$ such that for every constructible $z$, if every constructible element of $z$ is in $x$ then $z$ is in $y$, and every constructible element of a constructible element of $y$ is in $x$."

  • Now the resulting theory $ZFC^L$ is fine: any model of it has a definable subset which is a model of ZFC+V=L. However, by relativizing everything we've made stuff a bit weird. For example, the rest of such a model could be truly awful, and the "$L$-part" itself might not sit nicely in the whole (e.g. it might not be transitive). So we probably want to pass to a stronger theory $ZFC^L_+$, consisting of $ZFC^+$ together with unrelativized Extensionality, Union, Pairing, and Foundation, and an axiom asserting that the ordinals of $L$ are exactly the ordinals of the universe.

  • The result is a theory all of whose models satisfy a very weak set theory, but which have an inner model satisfying ZFC+V=L. And this seems as close to what you want as I can think of.

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