Is there a name for a factorial-like falling product which uses an arbitrary step $x \in \mathbb{R}$ instead of 1.

factorialfunctionsgamma functionsequences-and-series

We can define the factorial for $n \in \mathbb{N}_0$ as the follows.

$n!=n \cdot (n-1) \cdot (n-2) \cdots$

This can be thought of as a repeating falling product in steps of 1.

In fact, the notion of multifactorial can be similarly defined as the follows (shown below are double and triple factorials)

n!! &=n\cdot(n-2)\cdot(n-4)\cdot(n-6)\dots && \textit{Terminates with 2 or 1}\\
n!!! &=n\cdot(n-3)\cdot(n-6)\cdot(n-9)\dots && \textit{Terminates with 3, 2 or 1}\\
& \vdots

My question is,

Consider a function , say $n^{(k)}=n \cdot (n-k) \cdot (n-2k) \cdots\ \textit{Terminates with largest q such that (n-qk) > 0}$

for $n \in \mathbb{N}_0, k \in \mathbb{R}$

Is such a function even well defined? If yes then, is there any reference where I can read more about such a function? Does it have any common name?

Of course $n^{(1)}$ (i.e. n!) can be generalized for real entries of $n$ using the gamma function $\Gamma(n)$. Is it possible to generalize the function $n^{k}$ for real entries of $n$ as well?

I just came across idea when writing my maths undergraduate project, but I wasn't able to find any references online nor on Stackexchange.
Thanks for any and all help!

Best Answer

It's a generalized falling factorial, sometimes called a multifactorial when the step size is a positive integer. OEIS has a page that's light on details but links to the multifactorial sequences. Beyond the double factorial, they do not show up much. I'm not immediately coming up with interesting properties to investigate. Maybe a multifactorial analogue of exponential generating functions?