Is there a general way to prove a representation is irreducible


I can see how to go about proving reducible representations by finding projection matrices, but I don't know how to prove the inexistence of these projectors to prove a representation is irreducible. Is there a way to do this? I'm working on simply proving the $D(e)=1, D(a)=e^{(2i\pi/3)},D(b)=e^{(4i\pi/3)}$ an irreducible representation of $Z_3$, given by the multiplication table:

& e
& a
& b
& e
& a
& b
& a
& b
& e
& b
& e
& a

Thank you!

Best Answer

A commutative group will always contain $\vert G \vert$ 1-dimensional irreducible representations since $\sum_{i=1}^{\vert G\vert}1^2 = \vert G\vert$ this is due to every conjugacy class being unique as consequence of commutativity $a^{-1}b{a} = b$ thus the action by conjugation only yields $b$ as the unique member of the conjugacy class $b$.

This is strongly connected to character theory and a good article to start with is the associated to Dirichlet characters of multiplicative groups of integers mod $n$.

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