Is there a formula for the product of elements of the dihedral group of order 8? (Abstract Algebra – Herstein, Ch 2, Example 9)


I've just started studying group theory and I've come across this example.

I manage to verify that G is indeed a non-abelian group of order 8 under the composition operation, but I did not manage to obtain a formula in the like of the one suggested at the end of the problem.

Is there even such a formula? If so, could you help me to come up with it?

Thanks in advance and my apologies for anything I might have done wrong, this is my first question here.

Example 9 – Herstein, Abstract Algebra

Best Answer

using the notation of your exercise: if $s=0$ then it is obvious that $A: = f^ig^jf^sg^t = f^ig^{j+t}$. Now if $s=1$, in the proof that you posted, the nice formula $gf = fg^{-1}$ is given. Now $A = f^ig^jfg^t = f^i g^{j-1} (gf)g^t = f^ig^{j-1}fg^{t-1}$. Do this again and again: you will end up with $A = f^{i+1}g^{t-j}$. You can give the general formula as $A = f^{i+s}g^{t + (1- 2s)j}$. I hope this answers your question

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