Is there a “cubical” version of quasicategories



  • A Kan complex is a simplicial set having the horn-filling condition;
  • A quasicategory is a simplicial set having the inner-horn-filling condition.

My question is:

I was wondering if there are analogous definitions for cubical sets, giving rise to "cubical" versions of Kan complexes and quasicategories?

(Note: by a simplicial set we mean a Set-valued presheaf on the simplex category, and by a cubical set we mean a Set-valued presheaf on the cube category.)

Edit: see Zhen Lin’s comment for a reference on cubical Kan complexes.

However, I'm still not sure what would be the appropriate "cubical" version of the inner horn condition which defines quasicategories (among simplicial sets). (This is as opposed to the usual horn condition, whose cubical version I think I understand.) Would anyone know how a cubical analogue of the inner horn condition can be approached?

Best Answer

Just by googling: Cubical models of (∞,1)-categories.
(The authors use additional structure ["connections" or "markings"] to obtain the desired model structure).