Is there a category where products don’t exist because uniqueness fails


I was looking at this question about categories without products, and the main examples are:

  1. fields
  2. manifolds with boundary
  3. posets

But these all seem to fail for either structural reasons (fields/manifolds) or simply no reasonable definition of product in the category is available (posets)

My question is, is there an example of a category that has "pseudo-products", i.e. they match every requirement of the definition of product except they fail the uniqueness condition? Does this question even make sense to ask?

Best Answer

Sure. For instance, take the category of sets whose cardinality is not $4$. This category obviously has all products except for a product of two $2$-element sets (or products of higher arity where two of the factors have two elements and the rest have one, which are essentially the same thing since a singleton is terminal). But a weak product of two $2$-element sets (call them $A$ and $B$) does still exist. For instance, let $C$ be any set with more than one element and consider $P=A\times B\times C$ with its projections $p$ and $q$ to $A$ and $B$. I claim $(P,p,q)$ is a weak product of $A$ and $B$ (that is, it satisfies the definition of a product except for uniqueness of the maps). Indeed, let $Q$ be any set and $f:Q\to A$, $g:Q\to B$. Pick any function $c:Q\to C$ (such a function exists since $C$ is nonempty), and define $h:Q\to P$ by $h(x)=(f(x),g(x),c(x))$. Then $ph=f$ and $qh=g$, as desired.

(Note that no product of $A$ and $B$ exists in this category, since by considering maps from a singleton set, such a product would need to have $4$ elements.)