Is the sum of infinite recurring decimals also a recurring decimal

decimal-expansionreal numbers

I am curious to know if $N=0.12233344444455555…$ is a rational or an irrational number. I see that, since it can be obtained by the sum of $0+0.1+0.022+0.000333+…$, it could be obtained by this infinite series:

$$N=\sum_{n=1}^\infty n\left(\sum_{m=1}^n 10^{m-1}\right)10^{-{n(n+1)}/{2}}$$

In addition, since it can also be obtained by the sum of $0.\overline{1}+0.0\overline{1}+0.000\overline{1}+…=\frac{1}{9}+\frac{1}{90}+\frac{1}{9000}+…$, it can also be obtained by a sum of infinite recurring decimals:

$$N=\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{1}{9ยท10^{{n(n+1)}/{2}}} =\frac{1}{9} \sum_{n=0}^\infty 10^{-{n(n+1)}/{2}}$$

Would this number, obtained as an infinite sum of recurring decimals, be also a recurring decimal? If not, since it is also the sum of infinite rational numbers, would it even be rational?

Best Answer

The second way you've written the summation makes it clear the number $N$ is irrational, because $9N$ is non-terminating and non-recurring:

$$ 9N = 1.10100100001000001\ldots $$

Note that location of the digit $1$ from the $10^{-(n-1)n/2}$ term is separated from the next corresponding digit $1$ from the $10^{-n(n+1)/2}$ term by $n$ decimal places, i.e. by $n-1$ intervening zero digits. Thus the decimal expansion never becomes repeating of any finite length digit pattern. But any rational number would so repeat, and $N$ is rational if and only if $9N$ is rational.

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