Is the state space of a transient irreductible Markov chain infinite

markov chainsmarkov-processprobabilityprobability theorystochastic-processes

We know that if we have a Markov chain $(X_n)$ on an finite state space $S$ and with at least one recurrent state then the chain is irreducible and hence recurrent.

So my question is : If we have an irreducible Markov chain $(X_n)$ with one transient state then does that mean that the state space $S$ is infinite?

Best Answer

Yes. Recall that an irreducible chain is one where the entire state space $S$ is a single communicating class. In this case clearly $S$ is closed.

Further, recurrence/transience is a class property. So in an irreducible chain, either every state is recurrent or every state is transient.

It is a theorem that for a closed class $C$, then $C$ finite $\implies$ $C$ is recurrent (this is very closely related to the fact that you state).

So for an irreducible chain, applying the contrapositive of this theorem to the closed class $S$ gives: $S$ transient $\implies$ $S$ is infinite.

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