Is the set of irrational numbers countable when the set of algebraic numbers is involved

real numbersreal-analysis

The set of algebraic numbers (let's say $\mathcal{A}$ ) is countable. The set of irrational numbers (let's say $\mathcal{I}$ ) is uncountable. The set of algebraic numbers contains some of irrational numbers and some irrationals are not algebraic.

Now if we choose a subset $\mathcal{I_A}$ of all irrationals from the set of algebraic numbers, will it be countable?

If I consider that $\mathcal{I_A}\subset \mathcal{A}$, then it is countable [ $\because$ subset of a countable set is countable] but again $\mathcal{I_A}\subset \mathcal{I}$ [subsets of uncountable sets can be countable or uncountable].

Hence in this case is $\mathcal{I_A}$ countable? Can we establish a bijection $\mathbb{N}\to\mathcal{I_A}$ ?

Any help or explanation is valuable and highly appreciated.

Best Answer

Yes, $\mathcal I_A$ is countable. If you want an injection $f:\mathcal I_A\to\Bbb N$, consider a bijection $g:\Bbb N\to A$ and call $$f(x)=\left\lvert\{n\in\Bbb N\,:\, g(n)\in\mathcal I_A\land 0\le n< g^{-1}(x)\}\right\rvert$$

The image of this function is an interval of $(\Bbb N,\le)$ containinig $0$. Its image is a proper subset of $\Bbb N$ if and only if $\mathcal I_A$ is finite (which, apparently, you are not excluding).

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