Is the proof for the Irrationality of the Golden Ratio correct

elementary-number-theorygolden ratioirrational-numbers

I am trying to make a proof about the irrationality of the golden ratio by contradiction. I substituted the fraction $\frac{p}{q}$ for $\varphi$, where $p$ and $q$ are coprime integers. I used the following property: $$\varphi^2 – \varphi – 1 = 0$$ and then put $\frac{p}{q}$ in place of $\varphi$, getting $$\frac{p^2}{q^2} – \frac{p}{q} – 1 = 0$$ I combined the terms on the left into one fraction, getting $$\frac{p^2-pq-q^2}{q^2}=0$$ multiplying $q^2$ on both sides $$p^2-pq-q^2=0$$ I added $q^2$ on both sides $$p^2-pq=q^2$$ I factored the left side by $p$ $$p(p-q) = q^2$$ finally,I found the square root for both sides $${\sqrt p}{\sqrt{p-q}} = q$$ I stated that $q$ and $p$ share the factor $\sqrt p$, and since ${\sqrt{p}}{\sqrt{p-q}}$ is an integer, and $p-q \neq p$ then ${\sqrt p}$ must also be an integer, so our first assumption that $p$ and $q$ don't share any factors is wrong, so $\varphi$ is irrational. So, is my proof correct? Thanks for reading the whole thing and helping. (solved)

Best Answer

As already posted in comments, to conclude from $$\sqrt p \sqrt{ p-q} = q$$ that $\sqrt p$ is a factor does not make sense. $\sqrt p$ is not an integer number, so it makes no sense do call it a factor of an integer.

But from $$p(p-q) = q^2 \tag 1 $$ you can conclude $p=1$.

Because if $f$ is a prime number such that $$f|p$$ then by $(1)$ we have $$f|q \operatorname {\cdot} q$$ But if a prime divides a product is divides one of its factors, so $$f|q$$ and further $$f|\gcd(p,q)=1$$ so $f=1$. This means $p$ has no prime factors and $p=1$. From $(1)$ follows now $$1-q=q^2$$ But this quadratic equation has not integer solution.