Number Theory – Is the Order of Cokernel of Trace Map of Elliptic Curve a Power of 2?

algebraic-number-theoryarithmetic-geometryelliptic-curvesgalois-theorynumber theory

Let $L/K$ be a quadratic extension of a number field.
Let $E/K$ be an elliptic curve.

There is a trace map $E(L)\to E(K)$ given by $P\to P+P^{\sigma}$, where $\sigma$ is a generator of $Gal(L/K)$.

Why is $\#coker(trace)$ always a power of $2$ ?

My try: There is a exact sequence $0\to E_D(\Bbb{Q})\to E(K)\to E(\Bbb{Q})\to coker(trace)\to 0$.

By Model-weil theorem and the fact $rank(E_D/\Bbb{Q})=rank(E/\Bbb{Q})+rank(E_D/\Bbb{Q})$,
we can put $ E_D(\Bbb{Q})\cong \Bbb{Z}^{r'}×T'', E(K)\cong \Bbb{Z}^{r+r'}×T', \Bbb{Z}^r×T$.

Thus $\#coker(trace)={\#T''}\#T/{\#T'}$.

But I have doubts about whether ’${\#T''}\#T/{\#T'}$ is a power of 2’ is true.

Best Answer

You were overthinking this.

By Mordell-Weil we know that $E(K)$ is a finitely generated abelian group. Because $P^{\sigma}=P$ for all $P\in E(K)$, it follows that $[2]E(K)$ is contained in the image of the trace $T:E(L)\to E(K)$.

By virtue of $E(K)$ being finitely generated, already $E(K)/[2]E(K)$ is a finite elementary abelian $2$-group. Consequently, the same holds for its quotient group $E(K)/T(E(L))$. After all, we are moding out a subgroup containing $[2]E(K)$.

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