Is the Maximal Compact Topology (Counterexamples #99) extremally disconnected


The Maximal Compact Topology is the set $\omega^2\cup\{x,y\}$ topologized by the following basis: points of $\omega^2$ are isolated,
$\{x\}\cup\bigcup_{n<\omega}(\omega\setminus f(n))\times\{n\}$ is open for each $f:\omega\to\omega$, and
$\{y\}\cup\omega\times(\omega\setminus n)$ is open for each $n<\omega$.
Put another way, neighborhoods of $x$ contain all but finitely-many points of each row of $\omega^2$,
and neighborhoods of $y$ contain all but finitely-many rows.

Is this space extremally disconnected: every pair of disjoint open sets has disjoint closures? If so, it would be a counterexample to my conjecture at What separation is required to ensure extremally disconnected spaces are sequentially discrete? that all extremally disconnected US spaces are sequentially discrete.

Best Answer

No, it isn't: It is well-known, and easy to see, that a space is extremally disconnected, iff the closure of each open set is open again.

Let $U := \omega \times \{0 \}$. Then $U$ is open, $\overline{U} = U \cup \{x\}$, which is not open.

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