Is the Kunneth formula for de Rham cohomology true on the cochain level


The kunneth formula gives that $H^k(X \times Y) = \bigoplus_{i+j = k} H^{i}(X) \otimes H^{j}(Y)$, where $X$ and $Y$ are both manifolds. I wonder whether this is true on the cochain level. More specifically we have $\pi_1$, $\pi_2$ projections onto $X$ and $Y$, is it true that every $k$ form on $X\times Y$ is of the form $\sum\pi_1^{\ast}(w_1) \land \pi_2^{\ast}(w_2)$?

Best Answer

No, this is false. The easiest case to see it is $k=0$: then you would be claiming that every smooth function $f$ on $X\times Y$ can be written as a finite sum of functions $(g_i\circ\pi_1)\cdot (h_i\circ\pi_2)$ for smooth functions $g_i$ and $h_i$ on $X$ and $Y$ respectively. But this is false; for instance, writing $f_x(y)=f(x,y)$, this implies that the functions $f_x$ span a finite-dimensional vector space (since they are all linear combinations of the $h_i$), which is not true for all $f$ (exercise: find an explicit smooth function $f$ on $\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{R}$ such that infinitely many of the functions $f_x$ are linearly independent).