Is the Half Disc Topology normal



A metric space is Hausdorff, normal and regular.

Here normal implies regular since the singletons are closed.

Now consider the Half disc topology in $\mathbb R^2$:

In the upper half plane P the standard metric on $\mathbb{R^2}$ induces the topology. The line $L=\{(x,0)|x \in \mathbb{R}\}$ is added with open balls defined differently.

This space is possibly not a metrizable (i.e. metric) space anymore.

1)The Half Disc topology is Hausdorff.

Would like to prove or disprove:

2)The Half Disc topology is normal

3)The Half Disc topology is regular.

If I can show that it is normal, since singletons are closed in a top. Hausdorff space, then $2)\rightarrow 3)$.

Any hints how to tackle $2)$ or $3)$?

Thank you.


Alessandro gives a hint how to show that the Half Disc topology is NOT regular.


Consider an open ball $P$ centered at $x$ on $L$ ($x-$axis). The complement $P^c$ is closed and comprises the points on the circumference of the semi-circle and $L$ \ {$x $} , i.e. the $x-$axis excluding the point $x$.

Let $P^c \subset O$, open, and $x \in P_x$ where $P_x$ is a semi-circle ball centered at $x$ with radius $r>0.$

Choose a point $z\not =x$ on $L$ with $|z-x| <r$.

$z \in P^c \subset O$.

$z$ is an interior point of $O$, There is a semi-circle ball $P_z$ around $z$ s.t. $P_z \subset O$.

But then $P_z\cap P_x \not = \emptyset$, and we are done.

Not regular implies not normal.

Best Answer

Unfortunately what you would like to show is false, so I cannot give any hints in that direction. I can give an hint in the opposite direction:

Hint: Consider $x\in L$ and let $P$ be an half-disk neighbourhood of $x$, so that $P$ consists of an open half disk in the upper plane plus the singleton $x$. Note that the closure of $P$ contains all points on the diameter of the open disk. Consider now the complement of $P$, which is a closed set. Can it be separated from $x$ by open neighbourhoods?