Is the gamma function a solution for known differential equation

gamma functionordinary differential equations

It is well known that gamma function's defined as :
$$\Gamma \left( x \right) = \int\limits_0^\infty {s^{x – 1} e^{ – s} ds}$$
and it is divergent for

Is the gamma function a solution for known ordinary differential equation and if yes what is it? For example if it obeyed any form of $F( \Gamma, \Gamma ', \dots, \Gamma^{(k)}) = 0$ ?

Best Answer

The gamma function does not satisfy any algebraic differential equation . But it is the solution of the following nonalgebraic differential equation: $$\frac{\partial w(x)}{\partial x}=w(x)~\psi(x);\qquad w(x)=\Gamma(x)$$

Otto Hölder proved in $1887$ that,

The gamma function does not satisfy any algebraic differential equation

by showing that a solution to such an equation could not satisfy the gamma function's recurrence formula, making it a transcendentally transcendental function. This result is known as Hölder's theorem.

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