Is the following statement true: “Any algebraic number can be raised to some integer power and become rational”

polynomialsreal numberstranscendental-numbers

I was recently reading a math book that was listing facts about $\pi$ and it said:

"$\pi$ is irrational, meaning it cannot be expressed as a fraction.

$\pi$ is also transcendental, meaning it is still irrational when raised to any power."

It's the second line that confuses me, as the way it is worded implies that any algebraic number can be raised to some power and become rational. But I haven't been able to find anything online mentioning this fact and whether or not is is true.

Can any algebraic number be raised to some power $n$ and become rational? (and is this a property algebraic numbers have, that transcendental numbers do not?)

Or is the book wrong?

Best Answer

The book is wrong. If, for instance, you raise $1+\sqrt2$ to some power $n$; you never get a rational number. Every number of the form $\left(1+\sqrt2\right)^n$ can be written as $a+b\sqrt2$, with $a,b\in\Bbb N(=\{1,2,3,\ldots\})$, and it is therefore irrational.