Is “the empty” intersects with all sets


We know "the empty set" is the subset of every set and there is only one empty set(from Axiom of extensionality), then it must be in intersection with (kind of intersection point) all sets, otherwise all sets could not contain the same thing as a subset because there are disjoint sets etc.

  • Thus, all sets intersect through empty set, so all sets intersects with each other through empty set. (Thus, empty set is a kind of big bang point of nothing where all universe is created. >:)

So, are these inferences true?

Best Answer

Just some brief comment :

  1. The set of all sets is really not a set (in usual context).

  2. You may check Von Neumann Universe (V), Constructible Universe (L) and V=L in order to back up/challenge your "big bang" analogy.