Is the coproduct of any family of groups a free group


In Lang’s Algebra, he constructs the coproduct of a family of groups in a similar way to the construction of the free group of a set $S$, $F(S)$. He later constructs the free product of $n$ groups and shows that if they are cyclic, then the free product is isomorphic to the free group on $n$ generators. I have also read elsewhere that the free product(of finitely many groups) is the coproduct of those groups. In light of the similar construction between the coproduct in the category of groups and $F(S)$, I am wondering if the coproduct of an arbitrary family {$G_i$} is also a free group. If you look in Lang, it seems that the coproduct of groups may be the free group generated by the set $S$ which has the same cardinality as the disjoint union of the groups {$G_i$}.

My apologies if this is trivial, I just can’t quite grasp whether or not it is true.

Best Answer

What Lang shows is that if the groups are infinite cyclic then their free product is a free group. But that's because the infinite cyclic group is itself free.

The free product of an arbitrary family of groups can be defined similarly to how the free product of a finite family is defined. But in general it will not be free.

Recall that a subgroup of a free group is necessarily free. Thus we have:

Theorem. Let $\{G_i\}_{i\in I}$ be a family of groups. The free product $\mathop{*}\limits_{i\in I}G_i$ is a free group if and only if each $G_i$ is free.

Proof. Since the free product contains a copy of each $G_i$, if the free product is free, then each $G_i$ is free.

Conversely, if $G_i$ is free on $X_i$, then the free product is free on $X = \mathop{\amalg}\limits_{i\in I} X_i$, the disjoint union of the $X_i$: given any set map $f\colon X\to K$ from $X$ to (the underlying set of) a group $K$, this map corresponds to a family of maps $f_i\colon X_i\to K$, and each $X_i$ induces a morphism $F_i\colon G_i\to K$ with $F_i|_{X_i}=f$. The universal property of the free product then induces a morphism $F\colon\mathop{*}\limits_{i\in I}G_i\to K$ with $F\ circ\iota_j= F_j$ for each $j$ (where $\iota_j$ is the embedding of $G_j$ into the free product. Thus, $F\circ\iota_j|_{X_j} = f_j$, and thus the restriction of $F$ to (the image of) $X$ is equal to $f$. Thus, the free product has the relevant universal property and hence is the free group on $X$. $\Box$

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