Is the characteristic polynomial of a linear transformation T unique

linear algebralinear-transformations

Say I have a linear map $T \in L(V)$. There can be multiple bases of $V$ and hence multiple matrices which represent the transformation $T$ in the form of a matrix, if we think of matrices with respect to ordered bases. So it seems to me right now that there can be multiple characteristic polynomials, each corresponding to a particular matrix representation of $T$? And solving each of them should give me the same roots i.e. eigen values? Is this true?

Best Answer

A change of basis corresponds to a conjugation by an invertible matrix (i.e. we consider $PAP^{-1}$ instead of $A$). However, $$\det(PAP^{-1}-tI)=\det(PAP^{-1}-tPP^{-1})=\det(P(A-tI)P^{-1})=\\=\det (P)\det(A-tI)\det(P^{-1})=\det(PP^{-1})\det(A-tI)=\det(A-tI)$$

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