Is the basin of attraction to infinity open, and is it contained in the Fatou set


I have managed to show that the interior of the basin of attraction to infinity, $A(\infty)$, is contained in the Fatou set so in order to show that $A(\infty)$ is in the Fatou set, I need to show that $A(\infty)$ is open.

My best guess is to assume, for a contradiction, that $z$ is in $A(\infty)$ but not the Fatou set, so there must be a sequence of points converging to $z$ whose iterates do not tend to infinity, but I'm a bit lost with this.

Is there a fairly simple proof? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

If $f$ is a non-linear polynomial, then $A(\infty)$ is open (to prove it, try to prove that there exists $R>0$ such that $A(\infty)=\bigcup_n f^{-n}\{ z \in \mathbb C : |z|>R \}$.

If $f$ is entire and not a polynomial, then as Martin R pointed out the escaping set $I(f)$ is not open (usually the term "basin" is reserved for open sets) and is not contained in the Fatou set.

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