Is the axiom of infinity in ZFC equivalent to the existence of a complete ordered field


Suppose we delete the axiom of infinity in ZFC, which states that there exists a set of all natural numbers, and instead put in the axiom that there exists a complete ordered field. Would we still be able to derive the axiom of infinity? What I am basically asking is whether the axiom of infinity is equivalent to the existence of a complete ordered field, modulo (ZFC – Infinity).

Best Answer

Of course, if we have a complete ordered field $F$ we can define a copy of $\Bbb N$ inside it: $0$ and $1$ are the ones from the field, and we can define $\Bbb Z$ as the smallest subring that contains $1$ and $\Bbb N$ are just the elements $\ge 0$ in that $\Bbb Z$. I don't see any issue with that and it's well-known that from $\Bbb N$ we can construct a complete ordered field. So assuming one or the other is equivalent. But $\Bbb N$ is more in line with a minimality ideal: assume the simplest object as an axiom (Occam's razor like). And we have the tradition of starting with Peano's axioms in foundational theory as well. So it's never done in "your" order.